Thursday, June 28, 2012

First of all, I want to say the response to Sadie and myself has been unexpected and overwhelming.  The range of emotions over the last few days has been unexplainable… from the unknown situation of Sadie’s heartworms and recovery with thinking the worst, to imaginging a healthy life together full of dreams and moving forward.  I’ve come to realize that thinking postively is the only constructive way right now and that everything happens for a reason according to God’s plan.
On Tuesday, we had a vet appointment to set Sadie’s recovery plan, as well as see how bad the heart worms are.  I was overjoyed to learn that my vet cares about Sadie as much as I do, to the point that she was willing to waive some fees because of my current situation and the treatment that Sadie needs in her professional opinion.  After chest x-rays, blood work, and a urinalysis, we now have a rigorous treatment plan.  I could go into all of the details of the daily medicine regimine, restricted exercise, Immiticide plan.. however in the theme of moving forward, the only important piece of information at this point is that if all goes as planned, October 24 would be Sadie’s appointment to determine the worms are defeated and it is time to move forward with new life J  118 days… but who’s counting!
Due to the nature of the recovery plan, unfortunately I also had to say goodbye (hopefully temporarily) to the coolest, most loving cat in the world Shooter.  Sadie and Shooter haven’t quite mastered co-existing in this world together, so Shooter is currently living at my dad’s house where she will receive much more attention that I can currently give her.  If you would have told me that I’d have to pick between a dog and Shooter someday, I’d say there would be no dog.. but maybe that’s why we can’t predict the future.
On a totally different note, for those of you that know what I do for a living, calendars come… well let’s just say naturally (and no I have not programmed Sadie’s treatment and medicine schedule into EBMS).  However, after dealing with dates and times all day, I found it fun and therapeutic to put together the following calendar detailing every step of the process (not to mention, I don’t have to think now J)
So in the meantime, while we might only be on day 3 of recovery, we have a lot to be thankful for… the opportunity to enjoy every moment spent together, and most importantly listen to what God has in store for us.  So tonight, He had in mind some time well spent in the kitchen… Sadie still has some cooking skills to learn instead of sleeping in the middle of the not so big kitchen, but I’m convinced that will come with time.  Frank Sinatra, red wine, and quite possibly the best roasted garlic, white cheddar mashed potatoes with a thyme au jus ever created! 

 While Sadie isn’t participating in the tasting process, we are enjoying watching a taped version of today’s Germany vs Italy soccer game (don’t tell me who wins!!!!)
While thinking about wrapping up the evening, my current thoughts are based on new information I received about Sadie today.  The radiologist that reviewd the chest xrays found enough scar tissue on Sadie’s left ribs to know that she suffered from chronic rib fractures that were never treated… leading them to believe there was some sort of abuse or trama in her previous life.  I become sad and angry thinking who could have put this animal through torture, but come back to the notion that all of this negativity is in the past and I’m just so fortunate that she’s not too traumatized to accept love and compassion with open arms (or mouth with tongue hanging out and wagging tail).. and not just accept love, but show it outwardly with no expectations or understanding of what she’ll get in return.  Maybe we humans still have a lot to learn…

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