Sunday, July 1, 2012

Overall,  it's been a pretty good low-key weekend here for Sadie and I.  Unfortnately I've had to go into work both days, so Sadie decided to lend a hand to the scheduling world :)

Was actually really nice to have her at work with me.  I think she also enjoyed the all day company, not to mention getting out of the house!  Last night was the first evening I went out, leaving Sadie at home.  Felt like a mother dropping their child at school for the first time... worried all evening about her!  Most of all because of all of the medicine she's on, she's drinking SO much water... leading to needing to go out more frequently.  And we all know how bad it is when you're on a long car trip with no restroom!  Can't imagine feeling that way in your own house, ha.  So upon my return last night, I spent some good quality time on the floor with her (also working on "shake", but that'll be for another day).

Today after work, I went to visit a good friend and brought Sadie in the car for a little excitement.  She's always so good in the back of the car, that I decided to put part of the back seat down to see if she's put her head out the window/make her way to the front of the car... Within minutes, I had an instant visitor in the front of the car that caught me by surprise!

I was stuck in traffic and within minutes, Sadie was falling all over the place (into my lap, across the cup holders) to end up here..

With leather seats and her not wanting to cooperate, i had to pull over and be the parent... constraining her to the back of the car once again.  Some things we still have yet to learn! 

Off to enjoy our Sunday night and descend upon week 2 of healing hearts!  Only up to go :)

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