Monday, July 16, 2012

Another week has passed, meaning another week of forward progress.  I've been so busy with work that I typically just come home later in the evening and hang out with Sadie... She's definitely getting more into her routine and comfort in knowing this is her house (I just pay rent).  She's had a few irritable nights from the medicine, and even had an accident in bed :(  but how do you get mad at this face?

Funny story... a few days ago I took Sadie in the car with me and she had her first fast food drive through experience... When the lady started taking my order, Sadie couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from and continually barked so loud we couldn't understand each other.  Still lots to learn here!

I'm also happy to report that Sadie now has a boyfriend down the street... will work on getting a picture of them together but he's the only dog Sadie doesn't bark at.  Every time I take her for a walk, she drags me up to the fence.  Pretty darn cute.

So throughout my daily interactions at the house, Sadie continues to insist on following every step I take.  I've been pretty close to either stepping on her or tripping over her probably once every ten minutes!  We decided to have a girl's day yesterday morning and did our own pedicures.  Sadie went with black nail polish... :)

On a more serious note, as I expressed a few posts ago, the response to the trials I'm going through at the moment have been so overwhelming.. Family sending money, friends I haven't talked to in 10 plus years coming out of the woodworks.. I just want to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you reading this.  I truly believe everything happens for a reason and Said has certainly touched my life in a way I couldn't even imagine in a very short amount of time.  Her strength made me reach out on a limb this past week and do something outside of my comfort zone.  I've been inviting probably the least likely person you could ever invite to church for the last 8 months and he finally came this past weekend... to say it was all a part of God's plan seems like an understatement to me.  There was a very specific reason for all of the puzzle pieces that fell together for us to be sitting in church yesterday.  Nothing like feeling the grace of God pouring over you.  These moments continue to make the hardships easier and easier to deal with... in focusing on all of the positive and encouraging gifts that He is blessing me with each day.  Can't help but think of how much Sadie proves these gifts each morning when I haven't even set foot outside of my bed.

On that note, I think it's our bedtime Sadie!

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