Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What a week!  And it's only Tuesday (and I had Monday off, ha).  Took a few days this past weekend to enjoy my birthday and take some time off work... if you consider working from home taking time off.  Unfortunately Friday I did nothing but watch the depressing news all day and was really hit with the feelings of how thankful we all should be every single day for what we have... unfortunate that it takes instances like Friday for our communities to come together and outwardly celebrate how precious life is.  Since Friday I've been trying to make it a point to consciously realize how trivial my troubles are and know that God has a purpose for everything... and we should celebrate the eternal love given to us each and every day.  In some ways, Sadie signifies for me that there is a purpose for everything and that strength is found within. 

Over the weekend, I was really feeling lonely and having a hard time sleeping.  As usual, Sadie must have known, and I woke up in the morning to my arm asleep... and Sadie literally sleeping in my arms on top of me.

Not sure who looks more tired here but we finally both had a good night's sleep :)  Good thing Sadie doesn't have stinky dog breath!

Exciting news on the heartworms front... tomorrow is the last day of medicine for the next 30 days (before her first Immiticde treatments).  The medicine definitely gets the best of her some days, and she turns almost manic.  Unfortunately this usually happens during the middle of the night or early morning, so I'm looking forward to the next 30 days of normal Sadie (whatever that is).  It's taken a bit of time, but Sadie's also finally gaining some weight and LOVING food.  The first few weeks, it took everything in my power to get her to eat and now she can't get enough!  To the point that she's become a begger, and the second you have food in your hand, there's the chance she may try to dance with you :) (don't tell her I said so, but she definitely has two left feet!)

As I reported before, Sadie definitely has a neighborhood boyfriend.  She hears him bark each morning from bed and insists on barking back.  Tonight Sadie and I ate dinner outside together and the barking between yards ensued... so I took her down to see him and as you can see, Sadie just glows around him :)

After a little play time, we are both spent and ready for bed.  Until next time... don't forget to be thankful tomorrow, tell someone how much you love them, and do something nice for a stranger.  Never know how something so unexpected can change a person's day... or life.

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