Saturday, July 7, 2012

Some time has passed since my last post and honestly I feel like my world has been thrown off by the 4th of July falling on a Wednesday.  Just felt like an “off week.”  I’ve taken on some extra responsibility at work (basically another full time job) and I’ve just been exhausted by the time I get home.  I crawl into bed each night to Sadie wanting to be playful, and not understanding the irony behind the notion that she isn’t supposed to be… and I’m too tired to be!  This is the face I go to bed to… And sometimes it takes 15 minutes before she’ll even lie down or move!  Never thought I’d say it feels uncomfortable trying to fall asleep with a dog hovering over you…

The 4th of July came and went.. and was over before I blinked it seemed.  Had a great day with Sadie visiting family and just relaxing.  Sadie informed me that the 4th of July was her favorite holiday (most likely because of her intuition that it’s my favorite holiday), so I did my best to make sure everyone knew it J

Outside of work, I’ve had many invitations to go out and be social.. but by the time I get home, I’m not sure if it’s the lack of energy or the guilt of leaving Sadie at home all day that keeps me here with her (i.e. not spending money and not making poor decisions).  We’ve been shacking up and watching movies’s really more exhausting than you would think with the A.D.D. of a dog, leaving the room every few seconds to get some water and then me having to explain what she missed in the movie!  Sheesh, the nerve of dogs!

The last few days have been full of rain and storms, much needed here in Colorado!  So blessed that God must be emotional and his tears are giving peace to the wildfires… just another piece in the puzzle of life in which everything always comes together.  None the less, I happen to love rain more than most… so after discovering Sadie’s absolute hatred for thunder, last night we spent some quality time laying in the yard in the pouring down rain and lightning, finding comfort in each other and staring up into God’s amazing space he has provided for us.  Was a defining moment in which it felt like we were together in the snowglobe of life with God watching us looking up at him in wonderment and amazement. 

And here we are tonight… on a Saturday night doing laundry and making dinner (Sadie actually got a little of my homemade onion and cheddar stuffed burger tonight, so I think she’s a much bigger fan of cooking at home when she gets to partake in the meal).  The thunder and rain has yet again led to us spending an evening in the peace and quiet of not entertaining all of the offers to go out on the town… a decision I’m sure to be happy I made in the morning, and in the mean time am going to enjoy another movie with my best friend J  Until next time…

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